Three questions for DESY´s Ukraine Support Team in Hamburg
People at DESY are extremely eager to help. Therefore, Martin Sandhop (International Cooperation and Strategic Partnership, KIB) build a support team around him, identified what was needed, and organised help. Three quick questions for Martin Sandhop and the Relation Management Team´s Miriam Huckschlag follow:
Martin Sandhop, what are you all working on right now?
After the kick-off event in the DESY Coffeebar, we´re starting a big call for help on the Hamburg site. DESY colleagues can sign up if they would like to sponsor a refugee, for example. Since the Hamburg campus is bigger than the one in Zeuthen, we are trying to channel the offers of help here so we can support the refugees and the International Office as best as we can.
To whom should DESY employees turn to when they want to help out?
Martin Sandhop: I´ll name the most important channels here:
• We´ve set up a central email address. It´s
• There´s also a new help newsletter: Anyone who registers here will be informed about calls for help.
• Anybody who can offer accommodation or help with translations should message directly
• Anybody who has requests for the guesthouses in Hamburg should message
• The latest information is available on the internal section of the new DESY–Ukraine Website. It´s being constantly updated.
Miriam Huckschlag: Also the Coffebar has extended its offer: on Mondays at 10:00 am, the Support Team meets for discussions. Anybody who is interested is very welcome to join. For Ukraine-related topics, there are also extra breakout rooms.
And what if somebody wants to donate money?
Martin Sandhop: We have a few great and successful private initiatives running at DESY. For example, there´s the GoFundMe campaign “Support for Refugees at DESY”. DESY itself cannot take any donations.